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I see people rank very high and ear...

I see people rank very high and earn a lot of $$/week with a short period of time. Does anyone know the tricks ?

By rikki1983
Sell, sell, sell! Sell your inventory every time you make port. You also have to be able to keep your inventory varied. Make sure that you're producing your very best recipes as quickly as you can. You can also make a bunch of money off the side quests.
By anonymous
You have to pick the most expensive recipe you have and then start making it at the factory closest to where you can buy the main ingredient for that recipe. Then you need to make a lot of chocolates until you run out of ingredients then go to ANOTHER PORT to buy them. Then when you go back to your factory, the chocolates will be already made when you get there. Then sell them and go back to ANOTHER PORT to buy more. Then when you get back they willl be made for you again. Then all you have to do is keep repeating the process until you have a lot of money. It may not work for everyone, but it has gotten me from $5,000 to $100,000 in a really short amount of time. Hope it works!
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